
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Sudi Jadi Isteri Saya? by Maya Adira

Judul           : Sudi Jadi Isteri Saya?
Pengarang  : Maya Avira
Penerbit     : GedeBook
Tahun         : 2015
ISBN          : 9789670185620
Halaman    : 704
Genre         : Romance
Rating        : 3.5 of 5 stars

Salahkah jika dia tidak lagi percayakan cinta? Berdosakah dia, menidakkan cinta yang dihulur barisan perawan yang ada. Huh, cinta! Bagi Irfad Haji Muzir, cinta adalah penipuan. Cinta adalah permainan. Maaf, dia tidak lagi percayakan perkataan itu. Ya, dia pernah mencintai dengan setulus hati lelakinya. Namun, baru ingin dipetik sebagai suri, cinta itu terbang pergi.

Permainan waktu menemukan mereka. Hatinya remuk, hancur diinjak sang tunang dan sahabat baiknya, dua insan paling disayanginya. Dia mengalah untuk tidak mahu bernafas lagi. Apa gunanya? Aflah tekad, dia mesti pergi. Kenapa mesti dia diselamatkan? Dia mahu mati!

Mulut kata jauh, hati kata datang. Otak kata benci, rindu khabar sayang. Kasih hampir bertaut. Namun belum sempat diikat, Nadya yang dipuja Irfad pula datang. Nadya yang menyesali tindakannya. Perkahwinannya tidak bahagia, terdera katanya. Hati Irfad mula goyah. Cinta lama yang masih bersisa atau kasih baru yang mahu bertaut?

Aflah menjauh, tersiksa dalam kerinduan. Nadya kian dekat, mahu cinta kembali berulang. Ada rahsia yang disimpan, petunjuk isteri pilihan.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Books Waiting To Be Released - March 2016

Setiap bulan saya menerima email dari goodreads yang mengabarkan buku-buku terbaru yang akan terbit dari pengarang yamg pernah saya baca. Dulu sih saya paling liat sebentar emailnya, ngangguk-ngangguk kalau ada buku yang saya minat terus kemudian lupa.

Kejadian tuh sama seri Lockwood #2 karya Jonathan Stroud. Saya kelupaan tanggal release bukunya dan baru ingat beberapa bulan kemudian. Rasanya gimana gitu, kok seperti kehilangan moment. Tahunya malah waktu ngeliat ada edisi terjemahannya. Hiks... Telaaaaat...

Padahal dibaca waktu release atau beberapa bulan kemudian, toh isi buku nggak berubah kan?

Tapi seperti itulah saya :)

Jadi, sekarang ini saya mau bikin postingan buku-buku incaran yang mau terbit bulan Maret ini. Niatnya sih mau rutin bikin tiap bulan, tapi kita liat aja nanti. Niat sih tinggal niat kalau nggak dikerjain. Hehehe...

Nah, ini dia daftar buku incaran yang terbit bulan Maret ini :)

1. Because of Miss Bridgerton - Julia Quinn

Kyaaaaa... The Bridgerton is back! #histeris

Sejak pertama mendengar kabar tentang buku ini saya emang udah nggak sabaran nunggunya. Saya menikmati seri terbaru Julia Quinn, tapi tetap nggak ada yang bisa nandingin seri Bridgerton. Sinopsis yang diberikan kurang jelas, apakah settingan waktunya sebelum atau sesudah seri Bridgerton. Apakah Billie Bridgerton adalah anak dari salah satu A-H?

Dan jangan salah, ini adalah seri baru Julia Quinn, The Rokesbys.  Ahh... Peduli amat, yang penting ada nama Bridgertonnya :)

Buku ini bakal terbit tanggal 1 Maret waktu sono. Jadi di kitanya baru besok. Yaaaaay...!

Tomorrow... Tomorrow... I love ya.. Tomorrow... #terAnnie

Berikut sinopsisnya.

Sometimes you find love in the most unexpected of places...
This is not one of those times.
Everyone expects Billie Bridgerton to marry one of the Rokesby brothers. The two families have been neighbors for centuries, and as a child the tomboyish Billie ran wild with Edward and Andrew. Either one would make a perfect husband... someday.

 Sometimes you fall in love with exactly the person you think you should... 
Or not.
There is only one Rokesby Billie absolutely cannot tolerate, and that is George. He may be the eldest and heir to the earldom, but he's arrogant, annoying, and she's absolutely certain he detests her. Which is perfectly convenient, as she can't stand the sight of him, either.

But sometimes fate has a wicked sense of humor...
Because when Billie and George are quite literally thrown together, a whole new sort of sparks begins to fly. And when these lifelong adversaries finally kiss, they just might discover that the one person they can't abide is the one person they can't live without...
note : setelah nunggu-nunggu sampe tanggal 3 tapi buku ini belum muncul-muncul juga, sayapun cek goodreads. Ternyata terbit tanggal 29 Maret.. oh my...

2. The Crown and The Arrow - Renee Ahdieh

Hokeh, masih dua bulan lagi sequel seri The Wrath and The Dawn yaitu The Rose and The Dagger akan terbit. Sementara itu Renee Ahdieh menghibur para penggemarnya dengan novella ini. 

Settingan ceritanya adalah awal pertemuan Khalid dan Shahrzad. Caleph yang satu ini keheranan kenapa pengantin seharinya ini tidak takut padanya. Sepertinya di buku ini kita bakal dipuaskan dengan sudut pandang Khalid. Penasaran gimana awal mulanya Khalid jatuh cinta pada Shahrzad :)

Buku ini juga akan diterbitkan tanggal 1 Maret, sama dengan buku Julia Quinn.

Berikut sinopsisnya.

Seventy-one days and seventy-one nights had come and gone since Khalid began killing his brides. This dawn, Khalid would mark the loss of the seventy-second girl, Shahrzad al-Khayzuran. Khalid didn’t know how many more of these dawns he could take. And there was something about this latest girl that piqued his interest. Not only had she volunteered to marry him, but at their wedding ceremony, she had seemed not the least bit afraid. In fact, what he had seen in her eyes was nothing short of pure hatred. She was about to lose her life. Why wasn’t she afraid? Why did she hate him so? He had never before gone to his wife’s chambers before her death at dawn. Tonight would be different.

3. Midnight Lily - Mia Sheridan.

 Dulu saya pernah baca karya Mia Sheridan judulnya Leo dan lumayan suka. Terus nemu buku ini yang bakal release tanggal 1 Maret. Again! Horaaay... Three books in a row, what a day!

Baca sinopsisnya dan paling nggak tahan kalau tokoh laki-lakinya itu seorang jock alias atlet. Sayang cover bukunya nggak pamer dada six pack. Hahahaha...

Tapi coba liat cover bukunya, cantik juga kan. Ada kesan misteriusnya. Dan kalau soal buku, saya emang tipe judge a book by its cover. Makanya sering ketipu. Hahaha...

Berikut sinopsisnya.

Holden Scott is the prince of professional football. At least he was before he lost it all . . . or more to the point, before he threw it all away. Now he's out of a job, out of the public's good graces, and perhaps just a little out of his mind. So when a friend offers up his remote lodge in the wilds of Colorado, giving Holden some time away to get his life back on track, he can hardly say no. The last thing he expects is to see a beautiful girl in the woods—one wearing a white, lace dress who appears in the moonlight, and leaves no footprints behind. Is she a dream? A ghost? A product of his muddled imagination? Or something entirely different?

Midnight Lily is the haunting love story of two lost souls reaching for each other in the dark. A tale of healing, acceptance, and the worlds we create to protect our own hearts. It is a story of being lost, of being found, and of being in the place between.

4. The Steel Kiss - Jeffery Deaver

Nah, saya udah lama nggak nyentuh bukunya Jeffery Deaver. Tahun kemaren tahunnya John Connolly dan Stephen Kings. Biasanya saya milih yang stand alone novel-nya, tapi kali ini tertarik ama sinopsis buku ini. Lagian udah kenal juga ama tokoh-tokoh utamanya. Langsung kebayang Angelina Jolie dan Samuel L. Jackson :(

Oke, abaikan.

Berikut sinopsisnya.

Amelia Sachs is hot on the trail of a killer. She's chasing him through a department store in Brooklyn when an escalator malfunctions. The stairs give way, with one man horribly mangled by the gears. Sachs is forced to let her quarry escape as she jumps in to try to help save the victim. She and famed forensic detective Lincoln Rhyme soon learn, however, that the incident may not have been an accident at all, but the first in a series of intentional attacks. They find themselves up against one of their most formidable opponents ever: a brilliant killer who turns common products into murder weapons. As the body count threatens to grow, Sachs and Rhyme must race against the clock to unmask his identity--and discover his mission--before more people die.

Jadi, itulah empat buku yang saya tunggu bulan ini.

Yaelah , cuma empat buku? Dikit amat!

Yang ditunggu emang empat, tapi pendampingnya banyak. Hahahaha...

See you next month. Maybe... :)